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Magnesium Oil

It's easy to become deficient in Magnesium.

Caffeine (Sodas coffee chocolate).

Stress (everyone has some sort of stress from daily life).


Just those three things deplete magnesium in the body faster than you can put it in.


And our bodies use magnesium when it comes into the body and does store magnesium. Only a small amount in your bones. Our foods also do not have the same amount of magnesium that it had 20 years ago.


How many of you eat 4 pounds of vegetables a day? That is how much magnesium you would need to perform the 300 daily functions in the body and feed over 600 muscles. Provided that the vegetables had magnesium.


Anti-Inflammatory  Therapy

The truth is there is no “overnight fix” for chronic inflammation. That said I take that back and say there is. The quickest fix for inflammation, the one that works most instantly is sodium bicarbonate. So many doctors and books talk about inflammation today but they fail to mention the mighty muscleman of the anti-inflammation world. Right behind this heavyweight is magnesium chloride, which is the anti-inflammatory that too many doctors are still forgetting to mention and use. It literally controls inflammation because a deficiency in magnesium is one of the basic root causes of inflammation, so its replenishment is the logical way to put out inflammatory fires.

cause it gives so much quick pain relief. Now we have it in perfect form!


Safely, easily, and conveniently applied (e.g., rubbed or sprayed) onto the skin

  • May be applied directly to the skin or used in baths and footbaths

  • Rapidly absorbed for uptake into cells, tissue, organs, and bloodstream

  • Saturates tissues (unlike oral supplements) making larger amounts rapidly available to the body

  • Rapid local effects on muscles, connective tissues, and skin (unlike oral supplements)

  • Skin absorption is self-regulating

  • Skin absorbs more magnesium than can be absorbed using oral supplements

  • Lower cost per dose than many orally-administered magnesium supplements

  • Bypasses processing by the liver (unlike oral supplements)

  • Does not involve the gastrointestinal upset or loose stools associated with oral magnesium supplementation

  • Lower cost per dose than intravenous or intramuscular injections, which typically are administered by health professionals

  • Does not involve pain associated with magnesium injections

  • No special equipment required

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